West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Anthrax: Information for Public Health Officials
Spore-forming bacteria
Unique Epidemiological Characteristics
- No natural reservoir in West Virginia
- A newly reported case should be urgently investigated considering:
- travel
- highly unusual exposure
- BT.
- Incubation: 1-60 days; with most cases occurring within the first week
- No person-to-person transmission
- Mortality: 60-100% for inhalation anthrax and 20% for cutaneous anthrax without therapy — dire emergency
- Environmental: hardy for decades in the spore form
- Treatment (Ciprofloxacin, doxycycline) effective in reducing mortality if begun early
- Prophylaxis (Ciprofloxacin, doxycycline) effective in preventing disease
Laboratory confirmation
- Screening tests should be completed by hospital laboratory; confirmation by OLS
Employee health considerations
- Personal protective equipment / training required for persons doing environmental investigations
- Prophylaxis required for employees who have been exposed.
- Standard precautions for work with infected individuals
Life-saving interventions – in order
- Recognition / reporting / casefinding + early and appropriate therapy
- Risk factor and environmental investigation to establish source of exposure / population at risk AND rapid initiation of prophylaxis
- Antibiotic sensitivity testing of the isolate
Training considerations
- Physicians: recognition / treatment / reporting
- ICPs: reporting, active surveillance procedures
- Labs: screening tests and procedure for referral to OLS
- Local health departments, regional epidemiologists: NPS issues > investigation
- IDEP / DSDC / BPH: employee health / investigation / priorities for control.
- Environmental Health: personal protective equipment, environmental sampling
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